Smartphone photography

In just ten years, the number of photos taken with digital cameras has grown exponentially and continues to grow. Today, almost 90 percent of all photos are taken with smartphones.

It is clear that the use of artificial intelligence has been the driver for the exponential growth of quality in recent years and will continue to push the boundaries.

However, taking photos with mobile devices will soon no longer be just a question of convenience, but with the help of AI, also one of quality. Deployed in smartphones, AI makes it possible to take better pictures based on the skills and experience of professionals. In addition, Illustrator image trace transparent can enhance the skills of photographers.

Quality and compactness are united by AI

The art of photography consists of capturing light and framing a scene in such a way that attractive motifs are created. When shooting on location, the light reaches the camera lens in a virtually uncontrolled manner. With the right knowledge of lenses, filters, recording mediums, and lighting, a photographer can achieve impressive images.

For decades, professional photography has been protected behind a wall of expensive and usually heavy equipment, chemical processes, expense, knowledge, and experience. Digital technology has reduced the need for chemistry and reduced costs. AI will further reduce the need for expensive hardware and one day maybe even encroach on the last professional territories.

While in the past the technical quality of a photo was determined by the sophisticated interaction of camera and lens, the software will play a greater role in the future. AI combines quality and compactness in mobile photography.

How AI helps with video recording

This is good news for videographers. AI is not only for photos but also for videos. In this sector, the benefits are perhaps even more compelling, as video is more technically complex than photography. With conventional cameras, it is a challenge to get focused on the main subject. Amateurs are quickly overwhelmed even if face recognition is activated in the camera. With AI, it is not only possible to follow and focus on a subject. It also follows a specific person because advanced AI can distinguish people.

Another benefit of AI-assisted videography is improved low-light performance. While a long exposure plus post-production solves the problem for photos with immovable objects, you need high-speed lenses for videos like with traditional film or the new generation of smartphones.
